Posted by Kuula Team on 2017-10-24Tutorial: How to use 360 Batch Upload - new feature on Kuula
Many of you asked us for a Batch Upload function to be able to post & organize photos faster. Since we always listen our users' feedback, we're happy to announce that the 360 Batch Upload is here!
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Posted by Kuula Team on 2017-10-11use caseRecommended tools to create a 360 render - Blender, MakeHuman and ZBrush
James Boddie created an awesome and historically acurate reconstruction of the Alamo Mission in San Antonio, Texas. The resulting 360 panoramas show what Alamo looked like back in 1836, just before the famous battle. In this article James gives us some historical background and explains what tools he used create the model and how he rendered it in 360 using Blender. Enjoy!
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Posted by Kuula Team on 2017-10-09use caseartHow to create 360 illustrations in 3 easy steps - 360 drawing workflow
JL Mast is an artist and illustrator from Lille, France. He works with MARVEL on titles including Daredevil / Punisher Infinite, A Year of Marvel: Amazing Spider-Man, Guardians of the Galaxy & Avengers Millennium. He loves 360 drawing and as part of the Inktober initiative, he decided to draw a new image everyday this month. In this article, he shares his 360 drawing workflow and techniques.
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Posted by Kuula Team on 2017-10-06gamesTutorial: How to capture 360 game screenshots with NVIDIA Ansel
In this article, I would like to tell you about how NVIDIA Ansel 360 game screenshots and Kuula can work together. Kuula is already home to thousands of 360 images made with Ansel and you can easily upload and share yours! Keep reading to see how to do it.
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Posted by Kuula Team on 2017-09-29tutorial2 easy steps to post tiny planets on Instagram using Kuula
Even though Instagram does not support 360 photos (this is what Kuula is for), you can create tiny planets of your 360 images using Kuula Tiny Planet Editor and post them on your Instagram account.
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Posted by Kuula Team on 2017-09-18use casegamesList of games supporting 360 game screenshots with NVIDIA Ansel
360 game screenshots are a relatively new thing. The technology behind them is called Ansel and it was released by NVIDIA in 2016. It allows gamers to capture in-game shots in 360 degrees using a simple keyboard shortcut. Since it's release, thousands of 360 game screenshots have been shared by Kuula users.
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Posted by Kuula Team on 2017-09-18El uso de NVIDIA Ansel en los videojuegos
En este espacio me gustaría hablarles sobre la buena conexión que puede tener Nvidia Ansel junto a Kuula y su servicio para fotografía en 360°. Kuula alberga miles de imágenes en 360° realizadas con Ansel. Usted también puede subir y compartir sus fotografías en 360° del juego. ¡Quédate en este post y veras como hacerlo!
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Posted by Kuula Team on 2017-09-11Tutorial: How to embed 360 photos on other websites - the best use cases
The most important factor for online success is to engage your audience. Your content needs to stand out in the crowd and 360 photos will help you achieve that! 360 photos are interactive, engaging and relatively new, which makes users very curious about them. Our mission at Kuula is to allow you to embed 360 photos on your website and easily integrate them with the rest of your content.
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Posted by Kuula Team on 2017-08-29A quick guide how to post your 360 photos on Tumblr. It's easy!
With 359 million blogs and over 500 million monthly visitors, Tumblr is probably the most popular microblogging platform in the world. People love it because it's very easy to use and has a very active a lively community. Can you share 360 photos on Tumblr? Now, you can!
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Posted by Kuula Team on 2017-08-19Tutorial: How to stitch & upload 360 photos from a Samsung Gear 360
Before you start shooting and sharing 360 panoramas with a Samsung Gear 360, here's one important thing you need to know about its stitching process to avoid problems with displaying your photos.