Posted by Kuula Team on 2021-08-26tutorialSynchronize 360 photos to create before & after comparisons
This article shows how to synchronize movement of two panoramic images with Kuula. This technique can be used to create "before & after" comparisions.
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Posted by Paul Hepworth on 2021-08-20tutorialHow to Embed a Virtual Tour Into Your Squarespace Site in 5 Easy Steps
Whether for yourself, or for helping a client, it's important to know how to embed your Kuula virtual tour within a website. This article will explain how to add a virtual tour to a Squarespace site.
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Posted by Paul Hepworth on 2021-08-04tutorialnewsThe best introduction to Kuula - a video tutorial by Ben Claremont
360 photography and virtual tour expert Ben Claremont has recently released a new YouTube video featuring everyone's favorite 360 platform -- Kuula!
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Posted by Paul Hepworth on 2021-08-02tutorialHow to Embed a Virtual Tour Into Your Wix Site in 3 Easy Steps
Whether for yourself, or for helping a client, it's important to know how to embed your Kuula virtual tour within a website. This article will explain how to add a virtual tour to a Wix site.
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Posted by Paul Hepworth on 2021-08-01How to Generate a QR Code for Your Virtual Tour
QR codes are a valuable tool every virtual tour entrepreneur should have in their arsenal. Letting someone experience a virtual tour first hand is powerful, and QR codes are a fantastic resource for easily sharing that experience. In this article I'll show how to quickly and easily make your own QR codes, and share some ideas for how to get the most use out of them.
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Posted by Kuula Team on 2021-07-22how-toreal estatenewsAngoCasa adopts Kuula for 360 VR service as part of tech-forward initiative
Kuula is delighted to partner with AngoCasa, the largest network of real estate listings in Angola. AngoCasa users will now be able to incorporate high quality virtual tours with their property listings. This new functionality, AngoCasa 360 VR, is part of the company's investment in technology aimed to make the platform more appealing to users.
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Posted by Paul Hepworth on 2021-07-20tutorialHow to Use Music and Audio in Your Virtual Tours
Google search "audio is more important than..." and you will find article after article arguing that great audio is more important than visual quality for bringing videos to life. Similarly, the right audio can really bring your virtual tours to life. Whether it's background music, voice over narration, or ambient sound effects, Kuula offers three important ways to incorporate audio into your tours. Check out this Audio tutorial explaining how to add audio to your tours.
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Posted by Kuula Team on 2021-07-10how-toreal estatenewsHow to add a virtual tour to a listing on OneRoof
In this particularly volatile time for real estate, with demand through the roof and homes in short supply, all parties with interest in the current state of the market can benefit from the OneRoof / Kuula partnership.
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Posted by Paul Hepworth on 2021-06-28how-toTips for building better Virtual Tours - Advanced techniques
Kuula gives users incredible control over the appearance and function of Hotspots. Here are 6 hotspot techniques to take your tours to the next level.
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Posted by Rob Armstrong on 2021-06-24tutorialCreating custom hotspot icons, grids and spacing in Kuula virtual tours
Kuula includes ready-made assets to help you build virtual tours. But what if the included options aren't quite what you need? Whether you just feel like being a bit more creative, or have brand guidelines to follow, Kuula has you covered with the option to upload custom assets: custom hotspot icons and images.