Tutorial: How to embed 360 photos on other websites - the best use cases

The most important factor for online success is to engage your audience. Your content needs to stand out in the crowd and 360 photos will help you achieve that! 360 photos are interactive, engaging and relatively new, which makes users very curious about them. Our mission at Kuula is to allow you to embed 360 photos on your website and easily integrate them with the rest of your content.
The good news: you don't need any technical knowledge to embed 360 photos on your web page. At Kuula, we created a flexible Embed Editor where you can customize the 360 photo player. Once you are happy with the settings, embedding the photo is a simple matter of copy-pasting the HTML code. It works seamlessly on most of the popular content management systems (CMS) and blogging platforms. Our player is based on web standards - HTML5 & Javascript - and it is also fully responsive, which means it works on mobile devices, tablets, laptops and PCs in all modern browsers.
If you use Medium or write publications on LinkedIn, we've got even better news! You can simply paste a link to any post from Kuula into your article and it will automatically turn into an embedded photo. This works thanks to Kuula's advanced integration with these social networks. If your platform of choice is Tumblr, we've got you covered as well - to embed 360 photos on your Tumblr blog, just follow these simple steps.
Best use-cases for 360 photos
All of this sounds great, you may ask, but how does realte to my business? We looked closely on thousands of 360 photos uploaded to Kuula every week. By browsing our website statistics, we analyzed where photos are embedded and how users interact with it. We did all that to answer the question: which types of business benefit the most from using 360 photohgraphy. It turns out to be pretty diverse list, because 360 photos are very versatile and can be used for many different things. Based on our research and experience, here's a few of the most popular uses of 360 photos from around the world:
360 photos in real estate
Thanks the ability to look around, 360 photos give a better sense of space. Because of this, it seems like a natural fit to embed 360 photos in real estate listings. Here's a sample from Property Guru in Singapore.
360 photos in architectural visualization
Architecture design studios and real-estate developers use 360 illustration to better visualize their projects. Check how Cedrus Liget - a real-estate investment project from Hungary - makes extensive use of embedded 360 visualizations.
360 photos in the hospitality industry - Hotel booking and rentals
Before renting a vacation place, tourists want to look around your rental or hotel and make sure it perfectly fits their expectations. Check out how the beautiful Dunton Hot Springs cabins in Colorado use 360 photos embeds to achieve that.
360 photos in construction
Construction sites change all the time and 360 photos are a great way to document the building process. This 360 gallery documenting the construction of Mersey Gateway near Liverpool is a great example.
360 photos in web design
Every designer's goal is to make their website stand out. Check out how the PR agency 30 Miles North uses an embedded 360 image to create a spectacular splash page!
360 photos in journalism
Whether you are reporting major international events or local news, 360 photography gives readers the full picture. Kuula is used by news outlets and journalist around the world to add 360 photos to their publications. Examples include El Tiempo (Colombia), Ekstrabladet (Denmark) or Telegraaf (Netherlands).
360 photos in advertising
Elegant 360 photography is a great addition to any commercial content, as the 360 photos used in this article by Ford Canada prove. 360 photos on Kuula are easy to embed, which helps them go viral, like this illustration from Kevin Hohler. It has been embedded on Bored Panda, Fast Company, Forbes, El Pais & RTL and a lot of blogs.
360 photos in car sales
360 photography is particularly well suited to show car interiors. Sunvertibles, a car dealer from Franklin, Tennesse, adds 360 interior shots to every listed car.
360 photos in photography
Last, but not least, Kuula is designed for photographers to showcase their portfolio. If you are a panoramic photographer and upload your work to Kuula, you'll not only get additional views and exposure but you can also use Kuula to create a photography portfolio to embed back on your website. A good example is the portoflio of Roland Meijer, a panoramic photographer from Sweden.
360 photos in business - Kuula PRO
We created Kuula PRO to help companies and businesses use 360 photos in their marketing or sales operations. When you want to embed 360 photos, Kuula PRO offers the possibility to create a player with your logo on it, a link back to your website and without any Kuula-related user interface elements. This way you can make 360 photos an integral part of your website design or presentation. On top of that, we offer premium support and free technical consultations on how to best embed 360 photos on your website.
We would love to be your partners and help you get the most of 360 photos! Feel free to get in touch if you have any additional questions.