Now we offer Virtual Staging for real estate Virtual Tours

Virtual tours became more popular in the recent months however not all of them show furnished properties. Since traditional staging can be costly, and with the strict social distancing guidelines physical staging might be harder to organize, creating virtual staging is a perfect solution.
What is virtual staging?
Virtual staging is a method to digitally add furniture, decor and other accessories to the listing images. Virtual staging works not only for traditional 2d images, but it can be also added to 360 degree photos.
When you stage a home physically, you need to place specific furniture in the rooms, hang artworks on the walls, put plants by the windows - this is all very expensive. It's true that you make a home look more attractive to potential buyers, however you can do it for a fraction of the cost if you choose virtual staging. When you stage online, this is much cheaper, as you don't need to rent furniture, move it, clean the home, place decorations and accessories, or do anything else to the home to get it ready to show.
Today we're happy to announce that we've partnered with Bella Staging, a virtual staging company that will transform images of empty 360 degree spaces into beautifully staged photos that you can use in your 360 virtual tours.
Bella Staging proved that they can produce fantastic results. They work with brokers and realtors across the world and they have thousands of success stories. Here is an example of a Virtual Tour that was initially unfurnished and now using virtual staging has been enhanced with furniture and accessories:
How to add virtual furniture to your 360 degree photos and Virtual Tours
This is simple, there're 4 easy steps to follow:
- Go to Bella Staging website and select the number of 360 photos you want to furnish, then place your order
- Submit unfurnished 360 photos to Bella Staging
- Receive furnished photos
- Submit feedback and indicate revisions until you are fully satisfied with the end result
Examples of virtual staging
For more details about staging your virtual tour, take a look at Bella Staging offer.
Virtual staging is revolutionizing the real estate industry because it allows to turn empty spaces into attractive and inviting staged rooms. It will allow buyers to visualize themselves in the home and give them a great feeling of the property.
For realtors, it means that they can sell homes faster than those that are not staged and sometimes for more than an unstaged listing as they look more beautful than unstaged interiors. It's a powerful tool to fill empty spaces for a fraction of the cost of traditional staging.
Discount coupon for Kuula PRO users
For Kuula PRO and Business customers we offer a 25% discount for all virtual staging services from Bella Staging. Simply click on DEALS once you are signed in to Kuula and get this offer.