How to Add Property Lines to your Kuula Tours

If you are doing virtual tours for real estate, adding property lines can be important for your clients. While you can add lines in Photoshop or Affinity Photo, it's more convenient and flexible to be able to do it within Kuula.
If you need to add a property area outline, or any kind of frame in your panoramas, you can do it thanks to two recent updates.
The first one introduced rotation control on all 3 axes (X/Y/Z), more size and scale flexibility and color customization of images and icons.
The second update features a few new built-in assets, that you can use in your tours. This includes the helper line and frame images that we will use in this example. You can find them by adding an Image element from the Addon section:

Tip: the other two new assets - the sharp and soft circle - can be used to easily patch you tripod area.
Building the outline
If the property has a rectangular shape, you can simply use the frame image. If you need to build a property outline that is a polygon, you can do so by composing it of several line images.
For polygonal outlines, first of all make sure to scale the line so that is has the shape of an actual line. You can achieve that by setting the width to a high value (ex. 300%) and the height to a low value (ex. 10%). To edit width and height separately, click on the little chain icon between the Width and Height labels.
You can use the Set tint function to assign any color you need to the lines. If the outline is on the ground, it's also recommended to position them using the Floor option.
It's best to create a single line first, scale & customize it and then use Duplicate (Ctrl + D) to create more instances. Then, move & rotate each element to arrange them into the desired shape.
Here's a sample outline composed of 10 line segments:

One of my favorite things about Kuula is that it's simultaneously robust and simple. With a little creativity, I can do almost anything I can imagine with Kuula's available tools. I've been adding property lines to my tours for a while, using a similar process and my own home-made assets. Thanks to the lastest update, adding a property line will be easier!