Kuula Virtual Tour user interface has been refreshed for you

Recently we updated Kuula introducing changes to the Virtual Tours user interface and work flow. We believe it's a step towards making it easier to upload and manage photos and virtual tours on Kuula for both our PRO and free users. Here's a guide to what's has changed.
Collections are now Tours

We renamed collections to tours. This change was motivated by the fact that a lot of our users were using collections as virtual tours, so we just wanted to create a more consistent naming convention. We also moved tours to the 2nd position in your profile tabs, right after posts.
"Batch Upload" is now "Create tour"

Following the change from collections to tours, the Batch Upload interface has been refreshed and is now optimized for quick creation of tours. Just drop your photos, choose a name and a description, click POST and it's ready. After posting a tour, you can continue editing it by adding hotspots and other interactive elements to photos.
Context menus for photos and tours

List elements for photos and tours now have a context menu that gives quick access to popular functions such as Edit, Share or Delete. You will find under the 3-dot button on the bottom of list elements. Additionally, when you delete a tour, you can delete it along with all the photos that are in it - this will make tour management much faster.
Thumbnail bar view is the default view for tours

We changed the default view mode for tours. All tours are now presented with a large interactive photo on the top and a thumbnail bar at the bottom. On mobile, that thumbnail bar is replaced by a smaller bar with arrows and a counter.

Sharing tours vs. single posts

We made all the sharing functions accessible from many more places, including the tour thumbnail bar and the context menus. You can now choose between sharing the entire tour or only the currently viewed image using the tabs in the Share dialog.
To learn how to create Virtual Tours with the new user interface, read our updated Virtual Tour tutorial.
What's next?
Ever since its foundation, Kuula has been a constantly evolving project. Based on your feedback and our observations on how the app is used, we plan our next moves. Kuula user community is growing fast, so the list of features that you ask for is getting longer. This is a great thing, but it also means that we are faced with tougher choices as we cannot do everything at once!
Our policy so far was to prioritize bug fixing and new features. We will continue to do so, but - starting with this update - we will also be focusing on making the existing functions easier to understand and the interface - more user friendly.
If you have any feedback or thoughts, please get in touch with us and let us know what you think!