Take a look at these amazing 360 photos of Lofoten Islands by Martin Kulhavy

Martin Kulhavy shares his 360 photos from Lofoten in Norway, where he spent a couple of weeks traveling. His 360 photography is exceptional. Let him take you to this scenic place and start exploring.
This is a guest post written by Martin Kulhavy. You can follow him on Kuula and Facebook. Martin was featured in one of Kuula Editors' Picks earlier this year.
My name is Martin and 360 photography is my a hobby. I am currently based in Birmingham UK and I originally come from the Czech Republic. Here's my story from the trip to the majestic Lofoten Islands in Norway, where I spent 5 weeks in September - October this year.
I visited Lofoten for the third time in the last two years. This is heaven for a photographer taking 360 photos. The combination of steep mountains and sea is unique and if this is not enough, the first night with northern lights is something you will remember for the rest of your life. The main tourist season was over, but the dark sky after 8 pm allowed me to watch beautiful auroras. There is almost unlimited number of hikes available, you can find their accurate description on 68 North and Rando Lofoten.
I took about a thousand 360 panoramas, while I went on 17 hikes and spent 5 nights camping on the top of the mountains. The best 235 are available in my Kuula gallery:
The weather in Lofoten is always unpredictable. One summit could be clear of clouds while the other one, one mile away could be covered in mist. I believe I was very lucky and the strong auroras on Spetember 14th and September 27th were the cherry on the cake.
Little bit of technical description for the camera equipment: I have used Canon 5DSr + Samyang 14mm f/2.4 for all my photos. The panoramas are stitched from 12 direction shots (6 for the sky and 6 for the ground) and 3 exposures in each direction (for the day shots, I used single exposure for the auroras). The panoramic head is just a simple and very light Nodal Ninja 3 NN3 MKII. I use PTGUI for the stitching process and Adobe Photoshop for the final touches.
So if you are not sure about your next holidays, please consider Lofoten as a perfect candidate. Any time of the year provides unique experience, people are nice and friendly and your memories will last forever.
Please feel free to contact me on martinkulhavy@seznam.cz if you have any comments or questions.